Our Early Education Blog for Parents

Lightbridge Academy is The Solution for Working Families®. Learn more about our mission and values on our early childhood education blog! Here, we’ve compiled our favorite resources, tips, and activities for parents, as well as helpful advice from our early childhood experts. We hope you find our early learning blog valuable at each new step your parenting journey!

Growing Up Only But Never Lonely

Growing Up Only But Never Lonely

Common knowledge tells us that only children are at a serious disadvantage when compared with children who have brothers and sisters and their parents are sometimes given similar labels. There is no basis for these social stereotypes and we all know whether you have one child or more, that parenting is a tough job.

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Five Simple Ways to Manage Your Time!

Five Simple Ways to Manage Your Time!

It’s not easy to manage the family’ schedule, handle the household chores and make dinner, all while working and raising a family. Being organized is really about knowing your responsibilities, prioritizing the work to be done, and using time as a gift.

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Potty Time? Toilet Learning Myths.

Potty Time? Toilet Learning Myths.

Remember, you’ll get lots of ideas on how to toilet train, but don’t stress. Make it a fun learning and bonding experience with your little one. All too soon you’ll be able to tell your grown child, “I used to change your diapers”.

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You Are a Good Mother!

You Are a Good Mother!

All moms have those days when they feel they are running on empty. Their inner voice tells them “they are doing it wrong” or they can’t compare with the supermoms who manage a job and family, cook organic meals, take their child to music lessons and do yoga five times a week! Talk about unrealistic expectations and mommy meltdowns.

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Music & How it Benefits Your Child!

Music & How it Benefits Your Child!

There are so many ways that parents can connect with their infants, toddlers and preschoolers, but music is probably one of the most fun and beneficial to your young child’s growth and development. Whether it’s singing a lullaby at bedtime, passing the time on road trips with silly songs or reminding children to do a simple task like brushing their teeth, music has a positive outcome on children.

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The Clothes Battle

The Clothes Battle

Whether we’re addressing our school-age children or our preschoolers, the clothes battle can begin as soon as children are able to make choices.

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eFamily Playdates

eFamily Playdates

Children need unstructured, relaxed time to spend alone and also with children of the same age. When playing with others, they learn socialization skills like cooperation and attempts at sharing. But most importantly, they should have fun.

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Teaching Your Child Manners

Teaching Your Child Manners

Teaching your child good manners is more than just instructing them to say “please” and “thank you”. A good rule of thumb is to always lead by example, you may be surprised by how well your toddler models your behaviors! When teaching your toddler what good manners are, keep these few useful hints in mind to help you help them to become a polite and well-mannered child.

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Surviving (and Thriving) Parenthood in the Pinterest Age

Surviving (and Thriving) Parenthood in the Pinterest Age

Before you let these perfectly photographed projects make you feel inadequate as a parent, remember one thing: your children love you for you. The amazingly high standards we’ve set for ourselves doesn’t matter to our children. It’s all about the way you make them feel – loved and adored! Between the daily work commute, shuffling to and from your local Lightbridge Academy center, and maintaining house and home, we know your time is invaluable.

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