Our Early Education Blog for Parents

Lightbridge Academy is The Solution for Working Families®. Learn more about our mission and values on our early childhood education blog! Here, we’ve compiled our favorite resources, tips, and activities for parents, as well as helpful advice from our early childhood experts. We hope you find our early learning blog valuable at each new step your parenting journey!

Teaching your Child Politeness and Manners

Teaching your Child Politeness and Manners

Teaching your child good manners is more than just instructing them to say “please” and “thank you”. A good rule of thumb is to always lead by example, you may be surprised by how well your toddler models your behaviors! When teaching your toddler what good manners are, keep these few useful hints in mind to help you help them to become a polite and well-mannered child.

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Rid the dust bunnies! Fun and effective spring cleaning tips for your family!

Rid the dust bunnies! Fun and effective spring cleaning tips for your family!

It has been a long winter, especially with all of Mother Nature’s dramatic weather changes, but the snow has finally melted on our playgrounds and spring is officially in the New Jersey air! It’s the time of year to start enjoying the sweet sounds of singing birds and blossomed flowers! No better way to welcome the season then by eliminating those dust bunnies and doing a full, fun and effective spring cleaning!

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