Our Early Education Blog for Parents

Lightbridge Academy is The Solution for Working Families®. Learn more about our mission and values on our early childhood education blog! Here, we’ve compiled our favorite resources, tips, and activities for parents, as well as helpful advice from our early childhood experts. We hope you find our early learning blog valuable at each new step your parenting journey!

How to Curb the Gimmies

How to Curb the Gimmies

Children are bombarded by media advertising messages everyday on TV, at the movies, on the internet, in magazines and even children’s books. If tossing out the TV and shutting down the home computer seem like the answer to eliminating children’s exposure and desire for goods they don’t need, it probably isn’t

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Developing Fine Motor Skills – Learning Through Play

Developing Fine Motor Skills – Learning Through Play

Fine motor skills are the small movements (such as holding a spoon for young children, and using a scissor for older children) that use the small muscles of the fingers and toes. One of the most important ways we can help our children develop is by setting up simple activities that help to develop these basic skills.

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The Benefits of Playing Outside

The Benefits of Playing Outside

Now that warmer weather is here, it’s time to take your children outside to play! Nature is a powerful teacher and giving your toddlers and preschoolers the opportunity to play outside has many benefits.

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Growing Up Only But Never Lonely

Growing Up Only But Never Lonely

Common knowledge tells us that only children are at a serious disadvantage when compared with children who have brothers and sisters and their parents are sometimes given similar labels. There is no basis for these social stereotypes and we all know whether you have one child or more, that parenting is a tough job.

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Five Simple Ways to Manage Your Time!

Five Simple Ways to Manage Your Time!

It’s not easy to manage the family’ schedule, handle the household chores and make dinner, all while working and raising a family. Being organized is really about knowing your responsibilities, prioritizing the work to be done, and using time as a gift.

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