Early Learning Daycare
Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Daycare Questions

As the parent of a young child, you’ve likely got quite a few daycare questions. We can help! Lightbridge Academy is not your average daycare, and we’re here to help you understand the advantages of choosing our early education centers for your child. Here are a few of the questions we hear most often from potential Lightbridge Academy parents.

Of course, if you have additional questions, we’re all ears! Feel free to reach out to your local Lightbridge Academy center – they’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.

What should I consider when I’m looking for a daycare?

Today’s parents understand the importance of choosing the right child care solutions. Many daycares only provide supervision, which isn’t going to give your child the best possible start to their education – or their lives. Daycare services are essential for working families, but you’ll want to make sure that the child care solution you choose goes beyond giving your child a place to go while you’re at work. In addition to ensuring that the daycare you choose has the highest standards for safety, make sure that they deliver age-appropriate enrichment, early childhood education, and nurturing care from qualified professionals.

What makes Lightbridge Academy different than a daycare?

Lightbridge Academy provides daycare services, but we are so much more than a daycare. We provide enrichment and education that meets the needs of each child, from infancy to preschool. Our certified educators and support staff serves the whole child. By combining teacher-led activities, child-led interests, and individual play, each day at Lightbridge Academy unlocks your child’s potential and instills a lifelong love of learning.

We also set the standard for health and safety. Your child’s health is paramount, and we protect it by making sure that classrooms, toys, and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized on a regular basis. Our open door policy, ParentView® internet monitoring system, and Lightbridge Journey app all provide parents with peace of mind. We go above and beyond to help you stay connected to your child no matter where you are. You can feel confident that your little learner is happy, safe, and having fun at school.

Can I enroll my child in Lightbridge Academy at any time?

Yes. Enrollment at all Lightbridge Academy locations is ongoing as long as space is available.

Where can I find the enrollment form?

Please request the required registration paperwork from the Lightbridge Academy location where you would like to enroll.

I was not able to enroll my child at my preferred location because there was no space available. Can I be put on a waiting list?

Yes. To place your child’s name on the waiting list, simply contact the center director and provide them with your child’s information. In the meantime, they can assist you in finding available space in a convenient Lightbridge Academy location until space becomes available for you to transfer to your preferred location.

How can I find a Lightbridge Academy center near me?

Visit the Child Care Center page for a listing of all Lightbridge Academy centers.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of days per week my child can attend Lightbridge Academy?

All Lightbridge Academy locations are open Monday through Friday. Most programs are available from two to five days per week. Back-up care is also available on a daily and space available basis.

Are meals or snacks provided at Lightbridge Academy?

Meal options vary by center. Some offer the option of enrolling in a meal plan, which includes morning and afternoon snacks as well as lunch options. Snacks include fruit, vegetable, whole grain, and protein options. The lunch selections include vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. All food and meals that are provided to your child meet or exceed USDA nutritional guidelines and standards.

Will someone at Lightbridge Academy administer my child's medication?

Yes, the center can administer medication. We’re careful to follow all state and local regulations, and only qualified staffers handle or administer medication. If your child requires medication, please make sure to submit a medication authorization form signed by your child’s health care provider. For detailed information, please see the medication administration policy in your Lightbridge Academy registration packet.

How will I be informed about my child's progress at Lightbridge Academy?

Effective communication happens on an ongoing and daily basis through our parent eCommunication app. You will receive ongoing and daily reports detailing important classroom announcements, reminders, photos, and videos so you won’t miss a thing! It’s also a great tool for doctor visits helping to keep track of important information such as what your child ate, how they slept, and even potty details. In addition, teachers will track your child’s development by taking observation notes based on our curriculum. We review this information with you twice a year at our parent-teacher conferences. Of course, directors and teachers are always available to speak with you at any time.

What is the average adult to child ratio at most Lightbridge Academy locations?

Each Lightbridge Academy center meets or exceeds state regulations regarding adult to child ratios. You can rest assured that your child will receive an abundance of attention from trained and caring early childhood professionals.

Do you assist with potty training?

We do! Whether you’re doing it for the first time or you’re an old pro, potty training can be overwhelming for parents and children alike. Our teachers will work hand-in-hand with you to ensure a successful potty training experience. Once your little one starts showing signs of readiness, their teacher will provide you with an info sheet that will give you the tips you need to make this process as simple as possible.

What is the benefit of Lightbridge Academy’s ParentView® internet monitoring system?

Lightbridge Academy is The Solution for Working Families®. We know that working parents struggle with missing special moments in their child’s life. With ParentView®, you have the opportunity to stay connected with your child throughout the day. Simply log in to watch your little one having fun and learning, from a mid-morning “shake your silly off” at circle time to playing with friends during their afternoon snack.