You Are a Good Mother!

April 16, 2018

All moms have those days when they feel they are running on empty. Their inner voice tells them “they are doing it wrong” or they can’t compare with the supermoms who manage a job and family, cook organic meals, take their child to music lessons and do yoga five times a week! Talk about unrealistic expectations and mommy meltdowns.

Take the pressure off of yourself and realize you are doing a good job and you are a good mother! You absolutely LOVE your children. You want what’s BEST for them. You work hard and make SACRIFICES for them. These actions are what makes you a good mother. Try not to compare yourself with other moms. The truth is they struggle with feelings of insecurity too. (They really do, despite the outward appearances).

Start tuning in to your own self-confidence and figure out works best for you and your family. Children tend to enjoy the small things in life. So, focus on doing certain things well. Maybe you have a natural talent for crafts and projects, but you’re not such a great cook. Then celebrate your free time with your children by creating the latest masterpiece for the refrigerator and order pizza for dinner. You’ll feel much more relaxed in your parenting choices by giving yourself a chance to take it easy sometimes. Your children will remember the quality time you spend together when they grow up, not the fancy dinner you cooked last night.

You should also treat yourself to a massage, haircut or manicure/pedicure every once in a while. If you never invest some time in yourself, you may feel stressed and resentful. A well-deserved break enables you to come back refreshed and renewed so that you are more equipped to love and care for those special little people in your life!

Try to slow down…a little. Hold your child’s hand. Listen to their sweet voice. Smell their hair. Enjoy these precious moments of giggles and hugs and kisses and songs. We all know how fast they grow, so enjoy your beautiful kiddos!

Today and everyday it is important to remember, “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” —Jill Churchill.

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