A Working Mom’s Guide to Spending Quality Time With Her Kids

May 16, 2013
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Child care programs provide a number of benefits to children, including both educational and emotional development. These programs are also convenient for working mothers looking for a safe and stimulating place for their children to stay during the day. Since children and working mothers often spend their days apart, it is important for them to get quality time together once the day is done. Use this guide to help you spend more quality time with your children:

  • Open up your schedules. There are a number of responsibilities and activities that make up the daily routines of both children and their mothers. But in order to spend quality time with your children, it is important to set aside time in your day. Try to cut back on any extra daily activities, and encourage your child to focus on just one or two extracurricular activities. This will help provide more time to spend together as a family.
  • Turn meal time into family time. Eating meals at home is a great way to save money and avoid eating greasy junk food and other unhealthy alternatives. Eating together also provides more opportunities to talk to your children and create lasting memories. You can turn meal time into family time by including children in the preparation of your at-home meals. This is a great way to spend more time with your kids after work and preschool, and it can also help build healthy eating habits that your children will benefit from for the rest of their lives!
  • Make a weekly date. Choose one day of every week to be your family date day. Designating a family date day will ensure that you spend quality time with your children on a weekly basis. Consistence is important for a child’s development, so creating this type of routine can provide a number of benefits to both you and your child! Date ideas can include visiting the zoo, going bowling, seeing a movie, and other fun family-friendly activities.

These are just some ways to spend more time with children once work and preschool are done for the day. You can incorporate any other favorite activities into your special family time!”


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