Transitioning Back to School

August 22, 2013

While summer fun is undeniable, there’s something magical about the fall: those first cool breezes, the changing leaves, and your child’s exploration of a new classroom and classmates. We’d love to share some ideas that will prepare the whole family for a smooth transition to the new season and a wonderful year ahead.

Getting to Know the Gang
Much like the excitement and nervousness that we feel when starting a new job, kids often feel those same emotions as a change in their routine draws near. A week or two before the transition, feel free to introduce yourselves to your new teacher. You can even take a peek into your new classroom, reciting the teacher’s name and discussing how exciting it will be to meet new friends who will be joining the group in fall.

Stocking Up
The excitement of choosing new school supplies never gets old. Children love to pick out favorite colors, cartoon characters, or movie heroes that reflect their developing personalities. Add a matching lunchbox to tote healthy meals and you’re all set. It’s also a great idea to create an emergency kit to keep in the classroom with a change of clothes, socks, non-slip shoes, tissues, wipes, plastic bags, or anything else that has helped you through accidents before.

Creating a Control Center
Especially if you have older kids on different schedules, it’s a good idea to designate one area for filing, organizing, and posting all things school-related. Get a few cubbies or shelves along with a bulletin or dry-erase board and make this your central area to stash notices, permission slips, school calendars, supplies, and anything you’ll need to find quickly on the way out of the house.

Taking It All in Stride
The most important thing you can provide is a positive attitude about the opportunity to learn, make new friends, and reach new milestones. If it helps you feel prepared, talk to your child’s teacher about the lessons they’ll be learning and introduce those topics at home in preceding weeks. You can also read books together about the first day of school. Here are five much-loved selections from

No matter how much we prep, unexpected things will come our way – and that’s okay. Everyone at Lightbridge Academy has a PhD in “first days,” so if you forget something, or your little one gets jittery, we’ve more than got you covered. Once you see how exciting this time of year is, for students, parents, and staff alike, you’ll look forward to it as much as we do! We are so honored that you’ve put your trust in us, and promise to make this year unforgettable.


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