Tasty and Healthy Snack Your Kids Will Love

May 16, 2013
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Who says that food can’t be fun? There are plenty of tasty and healthy snack options out there. Put away the chips and throw out those cookies so you can give some of these kid-friendly options a try.

Fruity Smoothies
Smoothies are a delicious and healthy option that can be fun to make. Let kids help out by selecting their favorite fruits and allowing them to choose how much they’d like in their blended beverage. Try frozen berries and bananas along with a splash of orange juice and a few ounces of yogurt. Add ice, blend and serve. You can put together any type of smoothie you’d like using all kinds of fresh, in season or frozen fruits!

Ant on a Log
Take stocks of well-washed celery and cut them into a couple of pieces. Spread the celery with your favorite peanut butter and top with raisins. This is the perfect after-school snack. To make this a healthy, sweet treat add a few semi-sweet chocolate chips in too!

Visual Eaters
Most kids are visual eaters-they’re drawn to fun shapes and lots of colors. Maximizing your snacks with visual appeal is actually quite easy. A lovely and super-healthy snack loaded with complex carbs and good sugars is multigrain toast spread with Greek yogurt and topped with pistachios and a drizzle of agave syrup. Cutting fruits, veggies, and cheeses into fun shapes is another way to get little ones munching away.

Broaden Your Horizons
Kids who are exposed to a variety of healthy food while young are likely to grow up and make positive eating choices. Introduce snacks like tangelos, dried cranberries, roasted soy nuts, red and yellow peppers, mangoes, and kiwis. Encourage kids to try multigrain tortillas and chips. Skip the ranch and use fat-free fruit yogurt as a dipping sauce for graham crackers and fruits. The options are endless!

There are many healthy and tasty snacks you can introduce your kids to. Whether it’s after school or in a packed lunch, be sure to offer options that include fruits, veggies, grains, and other fun surprises!


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