The Clothes Battle

The Clothes Battle

“You’re not going out of the house dressed like that.” “No, you can’t wear your swimsuit to school.” Whether we’re addressing our school-age children or our preschoolers, the clothes battle can begin as soon as children are able to make choices. Even children as young...
Thanksgiving and Toddlers – What’s a Parent to do?

Thanksgiving and Toddlers – What’s a Parent to do?

No parent likes to fight on Thanksgiving. Yet this year, millions of adults will venture into epic battles with their toddlers over eating their vegetables. The good news is: you don’t have to. Unless your child is in the one percent, the vast majority of children...
Teaching Your Child Kindness & Love this Valentine’s Day

Teaching Your Child Kindness & Love this Valentine’s Day

While we love to buy little chocolate hearts and toys for Valentine’s Day for our children, why not make this Valentine’s Day a little extra special? You can do this by teaching your preschool child kindness, compassion and love by helping and caring about...