The Power of Music Therapy and Your Child

May 16, 2013
Lightbridge Academy Logo

Music is powerful and can evoke many emotions and responses in children as well as adults. It’s no wonder that many child care centers, preschools, and pre-K programs use music to help kids through their day. Let’s look at the power of music therapy and your child. Here are the benefits:

Music can help your child relax and calm down. Many child care centers use soft, soothing music to signal nap time to their children, and many kids like to have their favorite lullaby CD playing in their rooms at night while they sleep. The sound of relaxing music helps kids to feel more calm, secure, and relaxed.

In other situations, music can help kids get excited for the day. Preschools and pre-K classrooms often use fast, uplifting music to get their students engaged and ready to learn when they first arrive, easing the separation between parents and kids. Some teachers even use music and songs to help kids get their sillies or wiggles out, so they can settle down to learn.

Pattern Recognition
Music also helps kids learn rhythms and patterns. Teachers can use drums to teach their charges repetition and pattern recognition. While giving each child a drum may make for a loud classroom, the education and skills they’ll get from beating along to the rhythm will help them understand patterns in mathematics and other fields.

Putting concepts to songs can help kids learn more easily. Learning the ABCs is easy when you sing the song, and many teachers find songs to help their kids learn to spell, count, or rhyme. Use the tune to your favorite song and teach your kids how to wash their hands, spell their name, or remember their phone number-music is everywhere!

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