Kindergarten Prep: What Every Parent Should Know

June 12, 2024
An Lightbridge Academy employee posing with a student learning about their food

Kindergarten Prep: What to Know

Make sure your soon-to-be kindergartener is ready for success! Find out what you should know about kindergarten prep.

Understanding Kindergarten Preparedness

What does it really mean to be ready for kindergarten? It’s all about giving your child a great start academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. The prep starts right at home and can be built on through pre-k programs like the one at Lightbridge Academy. You can spark their love for learning early on from regular reading sessions, interactive play, and basic counting games.

What Skills Does My Child Need to Start School?

Your little scholar should be working on mastering the alphabet, capable of counting to ten, and sorting shapes as they prepare to walk through that kindergarten classroom door.

But that’s not all! In addition to academics, several social, emotional, and communication skills are also important. The National Association for the Education of Young Children finds that children going into kindergarten should be able to interact with other students, take turns, and follow basic rules of conversation, such as not interrupting.

As for emotional skills, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that they should be able to manage their emotions and impulses and express how they’re feeling. The CDC says kindergartners should be able to follow multi-step directions and rules.

As for physical skills, your future kindergartner should be hopping, jumping, and running around. Also, they should know how to hold a pencil and scissors.

Lastly, independence is crucial in a kindergarten classroom! Encouraging them to dress themselves or tidy up their toys can do wonders. It’s as simple as having them clear their plate after dinner—every little bit helps them grow.

How Can I Help My Child with Kindergarten Preparedness?

For a little extra boost to your prep, create a home environment that reflects the structure and learning of the environment they’re about to step into. Set up a routine with clear times for eating, playing, and sleeping to help them adjust to a school schedule.

Encourage independence in personal tasks like tying shoes, zipping up backpacks, and using the restroom alone. Read aloud with them to help with their academic skills. The continuous use of these skills will boost your child’s confidence and promote self-reliance.

Benefits of a Kindergarten Readiness Program

A kindergarten readiness program or Pre-K program, like the one offered at Lightbridge Academy, can smooth the transition from preschool to kindergarten. They go beyond introducing your child to numbers and letters. They wrap academics, social skills, and emotional development into one program. Your child will learn to play nicely with others, follow rules, and even handle those big emotions, giving them the confidence to conquer kindergarten.

Let Lightbridge Academy Help!

At Lightbridge Academy, we go beyond the basic kindergarten prep through our comprehensive Pre-K and kindergarten programs. Our proprietary Seedlings Early Childhood Education Curriculum is chock-full of theme-based lessons that boost skills in reading, writing, science, tech, and math. With this curriculum, nearly all our students (97%) tested proficient in kindergarten readiness skills on the 2022-2023 Vine Assessment. Your child will fall in love with learning through creative journaling, exploring tempos and rhythms of music, discovering the ocean through underwater webcams, and making friends through playtime partners.

The fun and learning don’t have to stop at pre-k; some of our centers offer private kindergarten to continue building on your child’s skills with a curriculum that goes beyond state educational requirements.* Plus, Lightbridge Academy focuses not only on the children but also on everyone involved in their journey. You can follow along from the front row and engage with their education through our Lightbridge Journey App and ParentView® Internet Monitoring.

Want to learn more about the benefits of Lightbridge Academy? Schedule a tour.

*Check with your local Lightbridge Academy Center for specific Kindergarten program offerings.


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