How to Keep your Toddler Busy While Preparing a Thanksgiving Feast!

November 25, 2014

Planning and putting together a three course Thanksgiving meal for 10+ people is no easy task, especially while having to make sure your toddler is happy, occupied and no where near the hot stove. Below is a fun no-bake dessert idea to keep your little one busy while you prepare a delicious meal for your family and friends. This Apple Pop recipe will be lots of fun for your little ones to make (and eat) and requires minimal preparation from mommy and daddy! All you will need is:

  • Large tray lined with wax paper or tinfoil
  • Lollipop or popsicle sticks
  • 1-2 cups of cubed or wedged apples, peeled to preference. TIP: To prevent apples from turning brown, dip into a carbonated drink such as ginger ale, sprite or lemon juice – the acidity will delay the browning.
  • A bowl of melted, room temperature chocolate of preference (dark, milk or white)
  • Caramel sauce
  • Assortment of toppings – chocolate chips, crushed Oreos, nuts, marshmallows, graham cracker crumbs, etc. (don’t forget to use all that leftover Halloween candy!)

Put the lollipop or Popsicle sticks through the apples and place on a tray. (If apples are cut into smaller pieces, you may choose to put more than one piece of apple on each stick.) Make sure the chocolate is melted and at room temperature. Set your little one at a clear surface at the kitchen table and place all ingredients within arms reach. Demonstrate how to dip the apples into the chocolate or caramel sauce – if your child is too young to dip the apples without supervision, assist them in pre-dipping the apples. Once the apples are dipped, place them on the lined tray, keeping an inch or two between each pop. Next, is the fun part, before the chocolate is hardened, have your toddler decorate their apples with the assortment of toppings. Below are some ideas of scrumptious Apple Pop combinations!

  • S’more Apple Pop: apple dipped in milk chocolate then topped with marshmallows and crushed graham crackers.
  • Coconut Chocolate Apple Pop: apple dipped in dark chocolate and topped with shredded coconut.
  • Cheesecake Apple Pop: apple dipped in white chocolate and caramel then topped with graham cracker crumbs, cinnamon and sugar.
  • Apple Pie Pop: apple dipped in white chocolate, caramel and topped with brown sugar and cinnamon.
  • Snickers Apple Pop: apple dipped in milk chocolate and caramel, then topped with nuts (or crushed snickers).

This recipe is very versatile, don’t feel obligated to use all of the ingredients listed above. Feel free to get creative with your little ones and don’t forget – have fun, enjoy lots of laughs and make beautiful memories with your family and friends this holiday season and all year round. Have a happy Thanksgiving from your friends at Lightbridge Academy!


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