How to Help Your Child Choose a Sport to Participate In

May 16, 2013
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There are many ways to get your children involved in youth sports. You can help your children make the right choice about the sports they’d like to participate in by taking these things into consideration.

What They Like
Ask your children what they’re interested in. Is karate something they’d like to try? Do they want to give baseball a whirl? Explore what sports intrigue them and offer them more information about what playing that sport entails. See how they feel once they know more about the game, rules, and how it is played.

Skills They Possess
Many children, even those in early elementary school, have clear skills that shine through. Talk with your children about their talents. Maybe they have quite the throwing arm or love to dance and exhibit an awesome understanding of rhythm. Selecting a sport your child will thrive in can create a positive experience and perhaps a lifetime love of whatever they choose to play.

Another topic to consider is safety. If your child has any medical conditions, you may want to avoid intense sports like football. Even on a child’s team, sports can be physically taxing. Make sure that you are enrolling your child in to a sport that is safe for them. Tumbling, gymnastics, and similar activities may be too intense for some more fragile children. Talk with your child about how they feel about the physical demand of the sport they’re looking at.

Participating in a sport is great way to get your child involved in something that will build character, promote health, and be fun to be a part of. Support their desire to play. With these tips helping your child select the right sport can be a bit easier.


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